Photography is more to me than just taking pictures. It is my future, my release, and my lifestyle. I have a desire to inspire and make people happy through my photos.
Here are just a few of my favorite shots. (by the way, all of these were taken with point and shoot cameras since I didn't get my SLR until about a month ago)
Sunset FireRockaway Beach, Oregon
Spring 2009
Butterfly KissesThis picture was taken on a choir retreat. A bunch of us were sitting around outside in the grass at Magnus Tree Farm in Sherwood, Oregon and this butterfly kept on hanging around us. It landed many times on my friend Railee, who's finger is now famous. Spring 2009
Following a Mate
Hillsboro Main Public Library, Hillsboro, Oregon
November 2009
Cinderella Taking Over the World
Alyssa Black at InMotion Dance Team's July 2009 Dance Competetion in Portland, Oregon

Take Me as I am
My little sister Lydia outside our home in Spring 2009. She put her cute black velvet church shoes on (with shorts) and went outside to walk/dance around. It made for a great photo shoot because of the chalk art on our culdesac! Spring 2009
EmotionsI did this photo for a project in digital photography my senior year. And yes, I was the model and the photograher for this at the same time! I took it by keeping the camera in the same spot, not moving it. And taking pictures of myself doing different actions, then putting three of the pictures together in photoshop. Winter/Spring 2009
You Know I Could Be Just Like You
My brother Joel skateboarding.
Summer 2009
One of my neighbor's five Corgis!
Summer 2009